Qn 5 : Have you ever heard of solar aerator? Though it may seem complex, the humble solar still is nothing more than a fairly basic apparatus that harnesses sunlight's energy and pulls clear, clean water out of its source. Many people make use of solar aerators in ponds, lakes and other body of water. One of their primary duties is to introduce oxygen into the water, and this part is critical for the environment as well as all life which relies on that water.
If there is not enough oxygen in ponds and lakes, the water gets still or stops moving which makes it stagnant. This still water can stink and also show up unappealing. This can harm fish and other aquatic animals. It also created an obstacle for people who want to swim, fish or take in the scenery along Lake Michigan. In a few hours, with the help of an industrious solar aerator, the water is fresh and bubbly again! That makes it a healthier environment for fish and a much nicer place to relax & hang out.
Then, what really happens to these solar aerators? That is quite understandable! The solar aerator typically comes in two parts: a solar panel and a pump. Energy from the sun is collected with a solar panel and used to power the pump. The pump shoots the water up through a tube, which creates bubbles when it reaches the surface. As these bubbles rise to the surface thus burst, they oxygenate the water which is very good news for fish and other aquatic wildlife that are there.
Solar aerator Solar aerators work to oxygenate ponds, lakes. Since they are solar-powered robots, these distillers' production plants can operate all day long even without supervision. This way, they can continue to offer a fresh source of oxygen to the water which is necessary for sustaining life. An ecosystem in good health is vital as life, great and small -- from tiny plants and bacteria right up to the largest fish and birds - depends on it.
Another benefit of solar aerators is that they aide in the circulation of water in a pond or lake. This is vital in keeping the water from 'standing still', so to speak, and assists good bacteria growth. Bacteria also goes into the water, this time good bacteria which help break down waste and prevent something new from growing in there (algae.) In fact, algae grows fast and can cover a pond-turning it into something that looks toxic green slime.
Install- Solar aerators are also simple to install and operating. You will get started without worrying about complicated wiring or plumbing. Additionally, they are resistant to bad weather factors such as strong winds and rain. After all, who would want to be concerned about the problems that come when still water stands on a pond or lake filled with Koi...Not us!....Especially now we have our Solar Aerator in service.
The more we continue to learn about the care of our planet, tools like solar aerators will only become an integral resource. Harnessing the power of the sun we are able to continue having clean, enjoyable ponds and lakes for generations to come We have to continue to do our part in saving the environment and figure out what we can do about it.